Filmed October 2, 2017, the morning after the Route 91 Festival massacre in Las Vegas I didn't start filming today until after completing delivery because I awoke to the news about the shooting at the Las Vegas Route 91 Harvest Festival the night before. As you might imagine, I was distracted with the news and didn't even think about recording video until later. After making delivery, we'll drive about an hour towards our next … [Read more...]
Hauling Beer Across Upstate New York to Maine
We made it about half-way across upstate New York yesterday and parked for the night at a Flying J Travel Center. Today we're completing the drive across upstate New York, into Massachusetts and on to Maine; although it gets too dark to film after we cross the Massachusetts State Line. Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Albany, New York Scenic Points Along the Way: New York Scenery Hudson River Roads Traveled: … [Read more...]
Making a Beer Run From Trenton, Ohio to Gardiner, Maine
After spending the night at the Jeffersonville Flying J on Interstate 71, we're heading to Trenton, Ohio to pick up a load of beer to run up to Gardiner, Maine. This is the route we'll be taking over the next couple of days: Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Jeffersonville, Ohio Trenton, Ohio Dayton, Ohio Columbus, Ohio Scenic Points Along the Way: Ohio Scenery Roads Traveled: Interstate … [Read more...]