Between having to go take a drug test, and not getting very much sleep the night before, we didn’t even get out of Ohio yesterday! This means got to cover over 580 miles today across Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Connecticut to make delivery in Windsor, Connecticut! We do run into some road construction in Hubbard, Ohio where we'll stop for fuel, but we'll make good time otherwise. You can see on this map of our overall … [Read more...]
A Bump in the Night Has me Concerned
January 18, 2019 by ·
Two nights ago, while driving through Tulsa, Oklahoma, we hit something on the interstate. I don't know what it was, but it felt solid. It's had me concerned the past two days, so I've been spending more time during my pre-trip inspections looking for damage and leaks. So far, I've found no damage to the chassis nor any oil leaks. We'll keep an eye on it, though. Today we're making the final leg of our journey to haul a load … [Read more...]