Owensville to Lexington Route (click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) Today's Journey After parking last night at what I thought was the correct place to deliver this morning, I found out it was not the right place after all! It was the right company, but the correct delivery dock was a short drive away. We got unloaded and then headed to Lexington, Kentucky for the next load. Once we dropped our … [Read more...]
The Wrong Delivery Location Then Drama at the next Shipper
780 Miles to Pensacola, Florida; 2 Days to Get There

We're starting our day at the Flying J Travel Center in Jeffersonville, Ohio, but as usual, I forgot where I am in the morning. Today's drive is pretty uneventful with nice weather all day. We'll cruise through Cincinatti and across the Ohio river into Kentucky. We'll skirt Louisville on the I-265 bypass to connect with I-65 south of Louisville. We do run into some heavy traffic in and around Nashville, as always. Cities and Towns … [Read more...]
Building Supplies Out of Conneaut, Ohio for Pensacola, Florida

We pick up a load of building supplies in Conneaut, Ohio and start on our journey to Pensacola, Florida. The trailer we hooked in Conneaut has a marker light out and it's one I can't repair, so we'll have to make a stop at the Schneider terminal near Columbus to get it fixed. Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Conneaut, Onio Columbus, Ohio Jeffersonville, Ohio Scenic Points Along the Way: Scenic … [Read more...]