We stopped at the Big Cabin Travel Center last night. Now it’s time to finish our trek east across Oklahoma, then across Missouri. This map shows our route and some of the stops we're making: Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Big Cabin, Oklahoma Joplin, Missouri Scenic Points Along the Way: Oklahoma Scenery Missouri Scenery Roads Traveled: Interstate Highway 44 Interstate Highway … [Read more...]
Out of Big Cabin Travel Center then East Across Missouri
Load Rescheduling Blues – Another Day Not Going as Expected

Just when you think everything is going according to plan; someone throws a curve ball to mess things up! We're rolling along just fine until a half way through the day I'm informed that the next load I had booked has been rescheduled. This creates a conflict with the load I had booked after that. I had to scrap both of those loads and find and re-book new loads to replace them. And, since I'm in a hurry, I made mistakes and … [Read more...]
Hauling Beer Across Upstate New York to Maine

We made it about half-way across upstate New York yesterday and parked for the night at a Flying J Travel Center. Today we're completing the drive across upstate New York, into Massachusetts and on to Maine; although it gets too dark to film after we cross the Massachusetts State Line. Cities and Towns Featured Along the Way: Albany, New York Scenic Points Along the Way: New York Scenery Hudson River Roads Traveled: … [Read more...]