Load Is Ready Our load of flour is ready to go, so we'll hook the trailer and head back to the TA Travel Center to get scaled before hitting the road on our journey to Portland, Oregon. After dealing with adjusting the trailer tandems to get the axel weights legal, we'll have a mostly uneventful and scenic drive; except for the strong winds once we get near Wyoming. Today’s Video: Our Load Is Ready I hope you enjoy this … [Read more...]
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Our Load Is Ready – Taking This Load of Flour to Portland
July 9, 2021 by Rick ·
Filed Under: Featured, Scenery, Shipping & Receiving, Truck Stops · Tagged: commerce city, commerce city co, commerce city colorado, denver, flour load, fort collins, fort collins co, fort collins colorado, laramie, load is ready, load of flour, load ready run
Dallas, TX to Camas, WA – Day 2: Amarillo to Laramie
April 3, 2017 by Rick ·

This is the third in a six-part series of videos that show my journey as I transport a load from Dallas, Texas to Camas, Washington. If you haven’t watched the first two videos, I highly recommend you watch them first: Dallas, TX to Camas, WA - Day 1 Hooking the Load [Video] Dallas, TX to Camas, WA - Day 1: On to Amarillo [Video] This video highlights the scenery and small towns along drive from Amarillo, Texas to just north … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Featured, Scenery · Tagged: amarillo texas, amarillo tx, cactus beef plant, cactus texas, cactus tx, camas wa, camas washington, colorado, commerce city co, commerce city colorado, dallas texas, dallas tx, denver co, denver colorado, dumas texas, dumas tx, eads co, eads colorado, flying j, hugo co, hugo colorado, i-25, i-270, i-70, kerrick texas, kerrick tx, kit carson, kit carson co, kit carson colorado, lamar co, lamar colorado, limon co, limon colorado, okalahoma, over the road, pilot truck stop, springfield co, springfield colorado, stratford texas, stratford tx, ta commerce city, texas, trucking, us 287, us 50, us 87