Shippers & Receivers

Shipping and receiving location info; the good, the bad and the ugly. Some places have their act together, and others don't. #Trucking

We’ve Been Here Before

Been Here Before! Well, we've been here before! Of course that happens all the time with some places, but this hasn't been one of those places. And, since it's so tight here, I'm glad! Bakersfield, California to Manteca, California(click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) Out-Of-Route Trailer Drop After delivering our loaded trailer in Manteca, we'll have to drive 30 miles out-of-route to move an empty … [Read more...]

Still Sick and Still Working

Still Sick I'm still sick, but I'm still working; because I'm a truck driver! I’m still dealing with being sick on the road, but I am getting better. Shipper Fail After the shipper fail last night, I’m off to get a different load; but I’ve missed out on the load to Minnesota that I wanted so I could visit my daughter. Phoenix, Arizona to Tonopah, Arizona(click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) Back … [Read more...]

Ugh I’m Sick On The Road

Dunnigan, CA to Phoenix, AZ(click on image for a larger version in a new Tab or Window) Sick On The Road I’ve felt it coming on for a day or two, and now I’m sick out on the road. Being sick out on the road is even less fun than when you’re at home, but I’ll just have to work through it. Too Sick to Film Much Because I'm sick, I'm mostly focused on driving and haven't recorded much video, so I'm including video from two … [Read more...]